Porfiro Fights for Rooftop SafetySPRINGFIELD — A new initiative by State Senator Mike Porfirio could improve safety for thousands of first responders across Illinois, following the tragic passing of Andrew Price, a Chicago firefighter who fell through a light shaft while fearlessly suppressing a fire on the roof of a restaurant.

“First responders like Andrew risk their lives for us every day,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “We owe it to him and all those who serve us to take any steps we can to improve their safety.”

Porfirio’s proposed bill targets the risks firefighters face as they traverse roofs with light shafts, open courts and skylights. The bill would require roof openings to be covered or for a parapet to be built around them to increase their safety. The bill also would require local municipalities to complete a survey of buildings under their jurisdiction to share with local police and fire departments. Existing buildings with flat roof openings would be integrated over time and not require immediate modifications.

Price’s widow, Lara, spoke in support of the bill during the Senate Local Government Committee on Wednesday.

“Light shafts aren’t rare,” said Price. “There are deadly openings on roofs across the country, especially in buildings where firefighters are called most often.”

Senate Bill 1742 passed the Senate Local Government Committee.