SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mike Porfirio is leading the charge to streamline the administrative process for the Department of Revenue to grant sales tax exemption documentation for U.S. military purchases.
“This bill will lessen the administrative burden on the Department of Revenue, expedite purchases for military units in Illinois allowing them to focus on readiness, and encourage federal dollars into our state,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “It makes sense to streamline and modernize the process.”
Porfirio’s proposal – found within Senate Bill 1705 – would replace the need to request sales tax exemption certificates for military units. Instead, when the payment is coming from the U.S. government, a military servicemember with a valid military ID would present documentation made available online by the Department of Revenue along with a form of payment where the military organization is the payer.
Currently, the process to receive such exemption requires a sales tax exemption certificate – which can only be used once. This has caused the Department of Revenue's exemption certificate system to become cluttered, with military members frequently applying for a single-use certificate due to frequent changes in their posts. Additionally, military members often require an exemption certificate on short notice, leading to delays in the Department's processing and mailing of certificates.
SPRINGFIELD - State Senator Mike Porfirio has introduced Senate Bill 2422, aimed at increasing the eligibility requirements for the Illinois Veterans Grant Program.
The proposed legislation would revise the eligibility requirements for the grant program, allowing for a wider range of individuals to access it and receive educational assistance.
"Illinois has a long and proud history of supporting our veterans and military personnel," said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “As a veteran myself, I am proud to be a voice for other veterans in our state.”
The expanded eligibility will incentivize those who left Illinois to serve their country to return to their home state while adding eligibility to those who come to Illinois to serve to stay here.
Under the current program guidelines, a person must be an Illinois resident within six months of entering federal active-duty service and must return within six months of leaving federal active-duty service. Porfirio’s measure would expand those times to 18 months.
"Active Duty personnel come to Illinois to serve at Scott Air Force Base, Naval Station Great Lakes, and Rock Island Arsenal along with multiple other recruiting, ROTC, or other commands,” said Porfirio, vice chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. “If they end their service in Illinois, we should be trying to incentivize them to stay here and make Illinois their home.”
The legislation would also allow those who end their federal active-duty service in Illinois to be eligible to qualify for the program.
"We need to continue to look for ways to grow our population, recruit individuals with critical skill sets, and give Illinois a competitive advantage,” said Porfirio. “This legislation achieves those objectives.”
Senate Bill 2422 awaits committee assignment in the Illinois State Senate.
SPRINGFIELD – In response to Gov. JB Pritzker’s budget address today, State Senator Mike Porfirio (D-Lyons Township) issued the following statement:
“I’m excited to see that Governor Pritzker has provided a budget proposal that will continue to improve the fiscal stability of the state and is an excellent starting point for future negotiations.
“I am eager to begin work with my colleagues and the governor to ensure proper access to resources and services are provided to the communities who need them. It is vital that we ensure veterans have access to high-quality benefits and healthcare facilities, middle class and working families have channels of support to battle the rising costs of inflation and proper funding goes to law enforcement to keep our communities safe. I am pleased to see the proposal today provides a jumping off point for all of these needs.
“I was also thrilled to see the governor’s Universal Pre-K Initiative. Investing in kids during their preschool years will set them up for success later in life. Young children who attend some form of Pre-K education will be more prepared for reading and math in elementary school, better equipping them for high school, and beyond. Putting money towards Pre-K education is investing in our children’s futures.
LYONS TOWNSHIP – State Senator Mike Porfirio will redouble his efforts to improve and develop effective policies for veterans in his role of Vice Chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.
“As a veteran myself, I know firsthand the issues that are most important to those who served our nation,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “Our country’s brave men and women deserve to know the legislature has their back when they return home.”
As a veteran, Porfirio will work to ensure that Illinois veterans are treated with respect and dignity and that their input is included in new legislation. He is also set to help lead the way in promoting practical policies through his role as a member of the Senate Local Government, Transportation, and Financial Institutions Committees.
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