SPRINGFIELD – Significant flooding hit Cook County in the wake of historic storms last summer, leaving numerous properties with immense damage and leading President Joe Biden to approve a federal disaster declaration for the area. In response, State Senator Mike Porfirio championed a new law to address future flooding concerns by giving renters the right to receive critical information about a property’s flooding history before they sign their lease.
“Protecting our residents from the dangers of flooding starts with providing them with essential information,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “This law safeguards our communities by requiring property owners to disclose flood risks, which will help tenants avoid hazardous living conditions and protect their wellbeing.”
Berwyn and Cicero received nearly nine inches of rain in a matter of hours from a storm on July 2 last summer, causing extensive damage to residential and commercial properties and requiring costly repairs. Illinois becomes the eighth state to require disclosure of flood risk to renters. Through the new law, potential tenants will be equipped with essential information about flood risks before renting property, fostering a fair and informed rental market.
BURBANK – State Senator Mike Porfirio is encouraging local governmental agencies to apply for funding through the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development program following the Department of Natural Resources announcing $54 million in funding is available through the current grant cycle.
“I strongly encourage local agencies to take advantage of the OSLAD grant program,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “This funding provides an incredible opportunity to improve our communities by developing and updating public parks and recreational spaces.”
OSLAD is a matching grant program that offers funding assistance to local governments to acquire and develop land for public parks. Following the execution of a grant agreement, OSLAD provides an advance payment of 50% of the grant award amount for approved development projects. Local agencies must demonstrate their ability to finance the remaining project costs before receiving the rest of the grant funds.
BURBANK – Building upon the smart infrastructure investments supported by State Senator Mike Porfirio, the Illinois Department of Transportation announced an investment of over $59 million in road and bridge improvement projects throughout the 11th Senate District.
“Our infrastructure is the backbone of our economy,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “With this investment, we can address long-overdue repairs and upgrades and provide a solid foundation of roads and walkways for future generations to use.”
As part of IDOT’s latest Multi-Year Plan under Rebuild Illinois, the district Porfirio represents will see 19 infrastructure projects totaling more than $59 million next year.
BURBANK – In a ceremony held Friday, Illinois Veterans of Foreign Wars selected State Senator Mike Porfirio as the Senator of the Year.
“I’m deeply honored to receive this prestigious award from the Illinois VFW,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “I am committed to ensuring our veterans receive the protections, care and dignity they deserve. This recognition is a testament to the collaborative effort between lawmakers and veterans, working together to improve the quality of living for all who have served our country.”
Porfirio was selected for this award due to his significant impact on veteran-related legislation, notably his recent work on Senate Bill 3479. This crucial legislation, which protects veterans from predatory practices by unaccredited businesses, passed both legislative chambers with bipartisan support and is now awaiting the governor’s signature.
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